Lower Long Lake in Bloomfield Township is a private non all sports lake that connects to two other lakes.  One is Upper Long Lake and the other is Forest Lake.  Forest Lake is also a non all sports lake like Lower Long Lake that only allows electric motors.  No gas motors at all.  But on Upper Long Lake you can have a gas motor to tube, ski, or wakeboard on.  So you won't have a ski boat on Lower Long Lake unless you tow it over to Upper Long Lake.  Most lake owners own pontoons that they have two motors on if they want to ski, or tube on Upper Long Lake.  They have a gas engine and an electric motor on the same boat.  Having the ability to go to 3 lakes is an great benefit when you own a house on the lake.

This home is not for sale, but an example of the wonderful homes on the lake

Lower Long Lake is connected by a canal to Upper Long Lake.  The lake is about 190 acres in size.  I do not have a depth for the lake.  I have searched for a depth but I cannot find one anywhere including the Bloomfield Township website.  They say there is about 5.1 miles of shoreline which seems a lot to me.  Water drains to Lower Long Lake via several inlets. The largest of which enters from Upper Long Lake at the south end of the lake. Lower Long Lake’s outlet flows into Forest Lake and then into tributaries of the Rouge River.

Another great luxury lake home on the lake. This home is not for sale

The roads around the lake are paved.  The lakefront homes on the lake are all on municipal water and sewer.  The children on the lake go to Bloomfield Hills schools.   You will find that the homes have good sized lake frontage and larger lots than many of the lakes in Oakland County.  There are many homes on the lake that are one acre in size.  There are several homes on the lake that are 4 and 5 acres in size.

They say the fishing is great. I would say it is because there is very little boating pressure.

I would say that most of the homes on the lake are bigger luxury estate homes.  There are no small cottages left on the lake that I know of.  (At least they have not sold in the last 10 years).  Because of the desirability of the homes they price per square foot is going to be higher on the lake than in surrounding communities.  Of course you will find ranches, colonials, cape cods, and contemporary homes on the lake.  Here are the characteristics of Lower Long Lake homes in Bloomfield:

     *  Built mainly during the years of 1949 -2014 (These is at least one old house on the lake)

     *  3 to 7 bedrooms

     *  2 to 12 bathrooms

     *  2 to 4 car garages (there is at least one lake house with no garage)

     *  the square footage ranges from 1800 square feet to over 8500 square feet.  Many of them are in the 3000 to 4000 square foot range.   

     *  the majority of the homes on the lake have basements.  There are a few that are on slabs or crawl spaces.

All of the information above was gathered from sold listings on the MLS over the last 20 years.  Some homes on the lake may not have been sold during this period so this home information may be off because one of the homes that has not sold may be bigger, small, older, or have different features.  Some of the smaller lakefront homes may have been torn down and do not exist anymore.  Also a new house may have been built on the lake that does not show up.  This house information is just to give you a general idea of the houses on the lake.

Not for sale but another wonderful example of the nice lake homes

If you are looking for a custom built luxury lakefront home for sale in Bloomfield or anywhere in Oakland County give me a call.  I can eliminate the lakes that won't fit you so you save time looking.  My local lake experience will help you ferret out the best deals on lake homes in Oakland County.   Feel free to give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239

Oakland County Lake Homes

Let's find the best deal on the lake

If you are looking for a small lake with an up north feel then you should try to buy a Sodon Lake house in Bloomfield MI.  The lake is heavily wooded all the way around.  Big mature trees around the lake homes add to the privacy of the lake.  Unless you are invited to somebody's property you really cannot see the lake from the road.  It sits down in a bowl from the house.  Another way to put it is that the homes sit above the lake.  Have you ever heard of West Bloomfield's Darb Lake?  There are only a couple of homes that actually have lake frontage.  Most of the homes in the subdivision are off the lake and blocked by scrub trees and tall grasses.  The subdivision does have a nice dock and beach for the residents.  Even that is secluded.

Homes on Upper Straits Lake in West Bloomfield Michigan are going to be a little pricier per square foot than some other lakes in surrounding communities.  Upper Straits Lake is one of those lakes that has become very desirable.  Even small homes are fetching high prices.  It would be hard to find a home on the lake under $400,000 in 2018.  Both of these following two lakes are small private non all sports lakes.  They are just ponds basically.  Good for maybe doing a little fishing on, or taking a short paddle boat ride on.  Click on the links to learn more about the lake.  Lake houses on Flanders Lake in West Bloomfield and Lake Linden homes in Bloomfield Mi.

Whatever type of lake or lake home you want I can help.  You won't get shuffled off to some assistant.  You will be working with me and getting my 19 years of experience.  Which pays off when it comes to negotiating, and solving issues that may arise.  Feel free to reach out to me via email at YesMyRealtor@gmail.com

Lake homes for sale in West Bloomfield & Bloomfield